Friday 18 April 2008

Y dos !

grazie di nuovo Anna !

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Tuesday 8 April 2008

vita - 01

They were so tight and hugged, looking in the mirror in front of them after making love. She was so wonderfully happy and he was so happy too. Smiling, she told him: "look how beautiful we are" . And he felt so proud and glad to be the other “half” of her. The "other half" now was smiling. The mirror was looking at them. He kissed her and he was so gratefull to the mirror that allowed them to watch their true being.
Then she gave him a breath as a present.

- scritto con tasso alcolico molto alto


"... ho visto un sogno nei tuoi occhi. mi spiace non essere stato io a farti sognare ..."

Non riesco a ritrovarla corretta.
comunque senz'altro in
"I ponti di Madison County" R.J. Waller